Monday, September 27, 2004
Well, I'm out of town, but I made this little wren-type bird during a meeting. Thought I'd post it since I had the chance. Pardon the backround, as I've forgotton my "Soft Box" at home...
Thursday, September 23, 2004
So, I originally started out trying to make a flying fox. Halfway through I realized I didn't have a very precise idea of what a flying fox looked like, I started to turn it into a cat. Then fro some reason, it just ended up turning into a dog. Ironically, I folded the dog from the same base as the Mouse that made out of my power bill. If only I could make a decent cat model, then I'd have some sort of origamical theory of evolution... This one was made out of an old map I printed up on an inkjet printer.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Made this one out of the stub from my Duke Power Bill. I like expression on the face, and the cute little teeth, but I would have liked the body to be a bit bigger. In case you were wondering, the bill amount was $104.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
A newer model. Sorry about the pink color, I didn't know it was going to be a stag until I was halfway finished. Some people may be wondering if it has a little tail on the back... It doesn't. Sorry, that's why I took the picture form this direction. Then again, I'm sure there are many people in the world who couldn't care less...
Monday, September 20, 2004
Baby Sea Turtle by ORGAMIKID
A baby sea turtle... awe... how cute! This isn't one of the best models of mine in the world, but I thought it would be interesting to post, because it was my first. Diagrams are available if anyone desires. It's made out of a blintzed kite base.
I've been playing around with faces and masks lately. I like the idea of getting round forms out of straight folds. Hopefully, I will be posting more experiments in the next couple of weeks. I guess this one is kind of like a sabertook tiger skull. I really don't know what else it would be... Any suggestions?
Friday, September 17, 2004
Me and the Phoenix
Me with the 1000 crane Phoenix. The whole thing is getting shipped out to Seattle sometime soon. There's a Atomic bomb memorial there and people donate cranes to the site 1000 at a time. For more information about the Japanese legend of 1000 cranes, check out this site:
-at the bottom of the page you can click on a link to see the sculpture in Seattle.
-at the bottom of the page you can click on a link to see the sculpture in Seattle.
1000 Cranes
I did this one in February. Allen and I had everyone in the class make 40 cranes which equaled out to 1000. Then I stapled them all to a piece of plywood in this design. It took a long, long time...
This is the makeshift lighting studio for all my pieces. I made the softbox out of an old white paper bag, and some inking paper for the seamless backdrop. Then I just put a desk lamp in the top of the bag... The only downside is I can't shoot anything bigger than my fist.
Cartoon Mouse by ORIGAMIKID
A fairly easy model of a cartoon mouse. If you make it with paper that's white on one side and pink on the other, you can have a white mouse with pink ears, tale and nose. Diagrams are available.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Yet another Phoenix model. This one was co-designed with Clay Britton, a student in the "Origami and Math" class. It is a much simpler model, but quite pleasing due to the elongated tail feathers. Like all other models, this one is folded from an uncut single sheet of square paper.
Ruby Throated Hummingbird by ORIGAMIKID
I used a yellow square of paper with red colored on the other side to achieve the red stomach. There is enough stiffness in the beak to support the entire body if one wanted to have it feeding on a flower.
Phoenix (Back view)
I thought I'd post a back view of the model. I like the layering of paper to create the feathers. Incidentally, The reason I have so many Phoenix models is because that was the mascot of my University. I took an Origami and Mathematics class and one of the assignments was to create your own Phoenix model. This model is the one I turned in for the assignment, the others are from when I was TAing the class.
One of my favorite Phoenix models. I'm working on diagrams for this one. I'd really like for it to have legs and talons, but it'll just have to "roost" until I get time to redesign it.
Platypus by ORIGAMIKID
This model was done for the sheer fact that there isn't a good Platypus model out there. Plus I have a friend whom I think looks like one, so... This goes out to Katie. I have hand-drawn diagrams for this if anyone's interested. Post a comment or email me.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Saurolophus by ORIGAMIKID
I was originally shooting for a chameleon model, but once I got a base with such a long tail and hind legs I couldn't resist...